It is impressive how technology has evolved. Modern technology has been so advance, that it has even been able to read a person´s mind! It sound impossible, but it is possible. This mind reading can occur through an MRI scanner. At first, the MRI scanner would just give your doctors a picture of your brain and if you had any injuries or abnormality, this machine would detect it. It was years later that doctors discovered that MRI´s could show which section of your brain is working. This is done when a doctor demonstrates various pictures and the part of your brain which is functioning at that moment in time will light up. This is evidently demonstrated in the screen the doctors see as your are having an MRI scan. This allows for doctors to read the mind, because a certain pattern is shown when you think about something or do something. This has eventually helped doctors figure out why teenagers act like they do, what drives them to doing those things and it also proves that people become more mature as they become adults due to the fact that the brain stops developing until you´re about twenty years old or so. To conclude, technology has evolved and has even shown to read people´s minds. This occurs through an MRI scan.
Slate. Web. 8 Feb 2011. <http://www.slate.com/id/2161936/>.
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