domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011

Brilliant Brain...Born Brilliant:

  A video that talks about Brilliant Brains, is divided into three sections. This first section, mentions cases of those who are supposedly born genius. To prove this statement, a young child was observed. This young child is known for his great musical abilities. He is, Marc Yu. He is known for his ability of knowing by memory over 15 musical pieces. He is not only musically genius, but he also studies subjects that people way older than him study. For instance, a seven year old (like him) is usually tought to add, substract and multiply in school, but he is being tought algebra. Due to this, he is required to be homeschooled by his mother. He metnions the fact that he feels uncomfortable going to school and having to interact with people who are not his contemporaries, because he does not find anything in common with them. 
After observing this child, scientists prove that musicians are usually more ´brilliant´than an average person. This is because their brains are more stimulated. This stimulation can consequently make those who are musicians have a higher IQ and more facility for learning. These people also have more probability of succeeding in activities they do and they find better jobs. Musicians also have parts of the brain which are in charge of hearing and analyzing music more active. They also find that the cerebelum and the corpus colosum are used greatly by musicians.
In order to see how brain stimulation affects a child, the Abecedarian project was carried out between the years 1972-1977. This project consisted in stimulating a child´s brain and observing how this affected their learning, and overall how their brain works. At first they saw no difference between the stimulated children and the non-stimulated ones. After a period of time, they observed that in fact, those who were stimulated had greater facility of learning and having greater IQ´s. But, this stimulation was not the only variable that affected an individual´s intelligence and behavior. Psychologists also have observed that an individual´s environment also affects their behavior. If someone is born and grows in a bad environment from previous family members then this can result in the same for the future offspring. 
To conclude, a child can be a genius if their brain is stimulated. This was proved by the Avecedarian project. But not only does stimulation help a genius become that brilliant. Another variable is the environment in which they grow. 


"Born Genius." CAPTION WIT.COM. Web. 27 Feb 2011. <>.

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