This week, we just saw a video on twins (both boys), who are identical, but have two very opposite personalities. One of those twins is into toys that boys usually play with. The other twin, is completely different. He likes barbie dolls, white horses, nail art and other girly stuff. This second twin has been detected with Child Gender Nonconformity. This phenomenon occurs when a child does not conform with his gender, and identifies himself with the opposite sex. This experiment also supports the statement that homosexuality is noticeable since you´re born.
In this video, they also demonstrated an experiment done where scientists started interviewing homosexuals and straight individuals. The purpose of this, was to see whether homosexuality was noticeable or not. Scientist found it is noticeable. They saw how gay individuals acted, dressed, expressed themselves and talked differently.
Finally, as many might know, homosexuality has not yet been explained, and this is exactly what scientists want to achieve. They have various theories, and one of those expresses that homosexuality is hormonal. They came with such conclusion after studying rats. Scientists express that they are able to change a rat´s sexuality by altering its hormones. Evidently this is what scientists think happen to human beings. They also found a pattern in homosexual males. They found that older brothers affect a younger brother´s homosexuality. What is strange, is that this only works if they are right handed.
To conclude, scientists have been trying to explain a very controversial topic, which is homosexuality. They have studied twins, experimented with rats, finding patterns and observed differences between straight individuals and homosexuals. The explanation they have been trying to uncover has not yet been uncovered, but as time goes by, they are coming closer to reaching their goal.
"rainbow people glowing in the dark." iStockphoto. Web. 20 Feb 2011. <>