For various individuals, teenagers have become the synonim of careless, problematic, self-centeredness in some cases and other negative terms. Usually adults do not comprehend why teenagers become like they do at these stages in life. For teenagers, adults do not comprehend them nor the way that they act.
It is undenibale that this is a rough stage for anyone.
In this video we just saw, there are various factors mentioned that explain why individuals act like they do when they become teenagers. For instance, the reason of why teenagers get bad grades in school is due to the lack of sleep they get. At this stage in our lives, we tend take time off our sleeping. Sometimes it´s because of homework, but usually teenagers sleep really late because they´re to busy on their cellphones, chating online, facebook, twitter, etc. This affects our grades and learning in school because when we sleep we basically remember better what we learned in school. It is also a way for the brain to restore itself and to be prepared the next day.
Secondly, teenagers tend to do what many consider stupid, because their frontal lobe is not fully developed. When the frontal lobe isn't fully developed, people are not used to thinking as rationally as adults do. The teenager's brain is also characterized for being uneffective when interpreting feelings.
To conclude, there are a diverse amount of factors that explain a teenager's behavior. Some of those factors are the developing of the frontal lobe and the amount of sleep we have.